opening hours 2020

16 May - 28 June and 03 September - 11 October

Thursday and Friday 13:00 - 17:00

Saturday and Sunday 10:00 - 17:00

Monday to Wednesday closed.


1st. July - 30 August

Wednesday to Sunday 10:00 - 17:00

Monday and Tuesday closed.



For school and groups open by appointment (from 8 to 10 Persons).


Adults: 6,00 Euro

Senior (+ 65 years): 4,50 Euro

Children and young (6 to 18 years): 3,00 Euro

Children until 5 year: free.

Kärnten Card holders: free admission once a day.

Vanni's year Card: 40 Euro (Admission for the owner and one accompanying person).


Groups per participant: 4,50 Euro (min. 10 persons).

Guided visit: 2,50 Euro / Person (excl. admission, min. 10 persons).


Or 25 € flat rate for 30 min. Pre-registration required.



Vanni's Bird World ist located in Oberdrauburg's downtown, right next to the Town Hall (Rathaus).

Vanni's Vogelwelt

Marktstrasse 27

9781 Oberdrauburg



Telephone: +43 (0)660 5013014

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